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% Change in Grassland Production for Your Area this Summer Compared to Its 36-yr Average

% Change in 2024 Predicted ANPP compared to 1988-2023 mean ANPP Assuming ABOVE Normal Precipitation through August (%)

% Change in 2024 Predicted ANPP compared to 1988-2023 mean ANPP Assuming NEAR Normal Precipitation through August (%)

% Change in 2024 Predicted ANPP compared to 1988-2023 mean ANPP Assuming BELOW Normal Precipitation through August (%)

Percent (%)

  • < -30
  • -30 to -15
  • -15 to -5
  • -5 to +5
  • +5 to +15
  • +15 to +30
  • > +30
  • No Data

Important Note: Grass-Cast estimates the change in Total Production NOT Grazeable Production. Here are some examples showing why this difference is so important to understand!

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% Change in Grassland Production for Your Area this Summer Compared to Its 36-yr Average

% difference in predicted 2024 Summer (June-September) ANPP compared to 1988-2023 mean ANPP Assuming ABOVE Normal Precipitation through August (%)

% difference in predicted 2024 Summer (June-September) ANPP compared to 1988-2023 mean ANPP Assuming NEAR Normal Precipitation through August (%)

% difference in predicted 2024 Summer (June-September) ANPP compared to 1988-2023 mean ANPP Assuming BELOW Normal Precipitation through August (%)

Percent (%)

  • < -30
  • -30 to -15
  • -15 to -5
  • -5 to +5
  • +5 to +15
  • +15 to +30
  • > +30
  • No Data

Important Note: Grass-Cast estimates the change in Total Production NOT Grazeable Production. Here are some examples showing why this difference is so important to understand!

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