Grassland Production Forecast

Select an area:

% Change in Grassland Production for Your Area this Summer Compared to Its 36-yr Average

For the 3 maps (scenarios) below: "If precipitation between now and August 31st is above (left map), near (middle), or below (right) normal, we estimate that grassland production in your area (at lbs / acre of peak biomass) will be ____ % more or less than its 36-year average."

To determine which of the above maps is more likely for your location, check the monthly and seasonal precipitation outlooks by visiting NOAA at or

Important Note: Grass-Cast estimates the change in Total Production NOT Grazeable Production. Here are some examples showing why this difference is so important to understand!

To see which map (scenario) is more likely to occur in your area, please visit NOAA's long-range precipitation outlooks at:

% Change in Grassland Production for Your Area this Summer Compared to Its 36-yr Average

For the 3 maps (scenarios) below: "If precipitation between now and August 31st is above (left map), near (middle), or below (right) normal, we estimate that grassland production in your area this SUMMER (at lbs / acre of peak biomass on September 30th) will be ____% more or less than its 36-year average."

To see which map (scenario) is more likely to occur in your area, please visit NOAA’s long-range precipitation outlooks at:

Important Note: Grass-Cast estimates the change in Total Production NOT Grazeable Production. Here are some examples showing why this difference is so important to understand!

To see which map (scenario) is more likely to occur in your area, please visit NOAA's long-range precipitation outlooks at:

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